The purposes of the Heywood Men's Shed are:
1. To establish and operate a Men’s Shed in the town and community of Heywood and the Shire of Glenelg in South West Victoria with local ownership and control and with a degree of financial independence to ensure autonomy and flexibility of programs.
2. To steadily build assets, membership and programs to provide the capacity to support those men in need of help through monitoring, sharing and positive interaction.
3. To develop a men’s health program as a core of the Men’s Shed program to provide a variety of activities that help keep men active, learning, interacting together and a place to enjoy themselves in a stress-free environment.
4. To provide programs that help men to be active managers of their own health by establishing the Men’s Shed as a pivot for men’s health activities in the community by linking the Men’s Shed members with health services in their community where they work and live.
5. To further the development of the Men’s Shed movement in the region by encouragement, mutual visitation and support and by example.
Our activities include:
Donating wheelbarrows and other items to local organisations for their raffles.
Raising money for local groups at our annual Pre Grand Final BBQ.
Being guest speakers at a Uniting Church Ladies Meeting.
Meals on Wheels deliveries around the town and the southern area of Glenelg Shire.
Providing drivers for Community and Patient Transport.
Cooking a Monthly BBQ for the residents of Heywood Rural Health.
Hosting the Eating with Friends group every six weeks.
Providing encouragement and a place to meet for men in the district.
Holding a successful Annual Men’s Health Forum with prominent guest speakers.
Inclusion of secondary school students in Bicycle Recycling as part of their curriculum.
Supporting setup of Merino Produce Swap
Providing 20 Ornamental Wheelbarrows to encourage family participation in Heywood Food Swap.
Successful application for funds to commence a Community Garden in the Men’s Shed precinct.
Operating a weekly Card Players Group at the shed.
Constructing pathway access for the residents in the Heywood Rural Health hostels to the Heywood Men’s Shed.
Constructing a pathway from HRH and the Men’s Shed to the Bowling Club for access by the residents of HRH and the community.
Construct a pathway to join the above pathways to the hospital, medical and allied services areas of HRH.
Catering for and hosting funerals for our members.
Hosting and Catering for Rotary and other group dinners.
Catering for HRH Board meeting dinners.
Heart Week Events
Men's Hearing Checks
Men's Health Checks
Mental Health Week events
Providing volunteers for activities in HRH Residences.
Operating the ‘No Great Hurries Walking Group' from the shed as a non-competitive, non-criticism activity for those with low mobility skills.
Assisting people within the community
Making furniture and other items for people and places within the Heywood Community.
Inaugurating a successful quarterly gathering of Men’s Sheds in the Glenelg Shire that has now spread into neighbouring shires.
Making children’s toys, bird and flower boxes.
Making augured wood signs for various organisations and properties.
Making bench seats and memorial crosses.
Making various Trophies.
Making people welcome – a place to talk, have a coffee, participate in activities.
Helping people develop a new interest hobbies and drawing them out and rejoining in community.
Sharing our skills and knowledge with others.
Being prepared to accept people where they are at.
The Government can’t help everybody but we can help our own people.
We are always looking to future.
Annual Men's Health Days. Quarterly Shed Gatherings in the region and throughout Victoria.
Catering, Community &/or International Development Projects, First Aid (accredited), Governance &/or Administration, Migrant Support, Personal Support and Counselling, Volunteer Drivers, Volunteer Drivers - endorsed licence, Welcoming New Residents, Improving Parks, Gardens & Reserves
Woodworking. Bicycle Recycling Talking Companionship
Furniture - trestle tables & chairs, Hall/s and Meeting Rooms, Kitchen/s (registered), Gardening Tools &/or Equipment
Casual / One Off Opportunities, Ongoing Role